He was born in Castell or De Rugat (Valencia) and has been awarded in several international competitions. For years he received classes from teachers as José Luis González and Rosa Gil, assimilating the schools of Andrés Segovia and Francisco Tárrega. He is visiting professor in numerous courses, seminars, competitions and master class in the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Israel, Japan, Thailand and many European countries, also acting as a soloist in all of them. His repertoire covers all eras and styles, both in solo mode and in chamber and orchestra groupings.
He has collaborated on several occasions with the “Instrumental Group of Valencia” specialized in the interpretation of contemporary music, live recording with them for Spain National Radio (RNE) the concerto for guitar and orchestra Céfiro, by David del Puerto, who would then write on his website: “the version was truly magnificent, the soloist was dazzling, and the work achieved great success”.
He has also collaborated as a soloist with the Chamber Orchestra of l’Emporda, Opera Diversa, Czech Virtuosi, Orquesta de la Marina Alta, Orquesta Sinfónica de Requena, and has collaborated with the ancient music groups Capella Saetabis and Música Trobada, with conductors such as Joan Cerveró, Francesc Estévez, Francisco Melero, Robert Ferrer and Carles Coll. He accompanied the soprano Monserrat Caballé at the Palau de la Música in Valencia on the occasion of her appointment to Doctor Honoris Causa.
Hisinterpretationhasbeenpraisedbythepressandspecializedmagazines(IlMessaggeroVeneto,IlGazzetino,Levante,GendaiGuitarMagazine of Japan,CDCompactMagazine,CityofAlcoi,TheProvinces).Hehasalso recordedforfilm,anddifferentradioandTVstations.Hehascomposedchoralandinstrumentalworks,recordedonCdbydifferentgroups,aswellasseveralworksforsologuitarandchambergroupswithguitar.
Several works like E. Sanz Burguete, J. Torrent, E. Morales-Caso, J. Cardoso, R. García i Soler, V. Roncero, J. Lázaro and P. Carrascosa were written especially for him. In 1998 he recorded the Cd “Homenaje a Jose Luis González” dedicated to his master, in 2001 he recorded the Cd “Seguidillas y Canciones”. In 2008 and 2011 he recorded two CDs with the ancient music group Capella Saetabis, directed by Rodrigo Madrid, and collaborated on a monographic cd of solo and chamber music by J. Báguena Soler (2008, production of the Valencian Institute of Music), In 2009 he recorded the Cd “Reflejos” for solo guitar. With Nuevo Tango Septet Zinger, led by A. Piazzolla’s ex-pianist Pablo Zinger, he has recorded 2 CDs. In 2014 he presented a record work with works of recent creation in the Cd “El cuaderno de Salvador”. In 2018 he recorded with his son Ausi’s Parejo the Cd “Con tanta tenerezza”, with the collaboration of jazz musicians Ximo Tébar and Víctor Mendoza.
Since 2019 he has been a Numerary Scholar of the M.I. Academy of Valencian Music. He is the artistic director of the International Guitar Competition “Luys Milan”, RC Strings artist and guitar professor at the “Conservatorio Superior de Música ‘Joaquín Rodrigo’” in Valencia.