Our APAP 2021 NYC+ Showcases

The "Opera Gala" Showcase has been rescheduled due to current weather conditions in Madrid
New date 19th of January 14:30 EST 20:30 CET
Sorry for the inconvenience

Opera Gala

The soprano Montserrat Martí Caballé, daughter of the unforgettable soprano Montserrat Caballé, together with baritone Luis Santana and pianist Victor Carbajo will bring you for a ride through some of the most famous Italian Operas and Spanish Zarzuelas pieces.
14th of January
14:30 EST - 20:30 CET

Fuego en la Sangre/Fire in Blood

The Fuego en la Sangre / Fire in Blood recital presents the amazing passion that the Spanish music is capable to express in all its splendour.
The Fuego en la Sangre artistic formation is composed by the baritone Luis Santana, the flamenco dancer Almudena Roca, the pianist José Manuel Cuenca and the guitarist Rubén Parejo.
11th January 2021
14:30 EST - 20:30 CET

Educa Más Qué Ópera

A Musical project, aimed at all students from 4 to 16 years of age, that in three months will be prepped and readied to enjoy reduced version Opera in which they are the protagonists!
12th January 2021
14:30 EST - 20:30 CET

Bacco In Love

Join soprano Cecilia Lavilla Berganza, Baritone Luis Santana and Pianist Victor Carbajo on a trip through the best arias and opera songs inspired by wine....
9th January 2021
14:30 EST - 20:30 CET

The "Zarzuelissima!!!" Showcase has been rescheduled due to current weather conditions in Madrid
New date 22nd of January 14:30 EST 20:30 CET Sorry for the inconvenience


Set up especially for APAP, seven of the most prominent Spanish Opera singers, together with one of the most promising Spanish traditional dancer and the costumes by Paz Volpini, will take you on a journey to 19th hundred Spain.
10th January 2021 14:30 EST - 20:30 CET